
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 42,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

This website is yours and you have made it the interest it is by sharing your memories with us all.

Please continue to send us photos and memories of Wateringbury for new generations to enjoy and see how the village once was.

Please send us your memories no matter how small. Either send them by the contact form or directly to me by email at john.gilham@mail.com


Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Albion Dray at Whitbread Phoenix Brewery, Wateringbury, Kent

An Albion Dray at  Whitbread Phoenix Brewery, Wateringbury, Kent.
The building in the background may be my home in the 1950's

Monday, June 17, 2024

Matchbox Top of The Duke Without a Head Pub

 From a box of matches that would have been a free item that people would have collected and still do. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

'Mr Wateringbury' - Charles Benfield 1923 - 1999

 A cutting form the local Kent Messenger marking the death of Charles Benfield 

Stable Cottage - Phoenix Brewery

Thanks to Dail Whiting for the following words and photos.


Attached are a few photos of Stable Cottage, once situated on the north side of the old Phoenix Brewery yard.

They were taken not long before they were demolished, and though they are not particularly good photos, the are at least a record.

Most were taken from the footpath which leads from Leney Road to The Brucks. Just one was taken from my neighbour's garden.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of the south side, as the whole of the brewery yard was gated and locked.

The first photo showing a large white door was at the west end of the building. This was the old stables.

I have also attached two maps to identify Stable Cottage location.

The colour tithe map was compiled in 1839, and the OS map in 1896.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Steam Train at Wateringbury Station in the 1960's


Photo Courtesy of Dail Whiting

A Steam Train arriving at Wateringbury station in the 1960's

The Station Master and passengers wait on the platform.

Can you name any of them?

Monday, January 08, 2024

Canon Reginald Herbert Soar Wateringbury 1961/62


Recently being asked for a photo of Canon Soar, I found this in my family album. 
It was taken by my father of my brother Brian's Christening at St John the Baptist Church Wateringbury circa 1961/62

The below article courtesy of Dail Whiting

Article courtesy of Dail Whiting

Friday, December 08, 2023

Upper Mill Pond - Wateringbury Kent

I wonder if anyone could identify the man in the photo, 

not sure of the date it was taken.

Monday, July 24, 2023

North Side of Wateringbury Crossroads

 Another article which once again we thank Dail Whiting for:-

Article Courtesy of Dail Whiting    

A photograph posted previously shows the cyclist in the area of the village that Dail refers to:- 

Cyclists outside the Queens Head c 1910

Friday, June 30, 2023

Lydia Brooker

Another great post from Dail Whiting. Thank you again Dail.

Words and Photographs Courtesy of Dail Whiting

Monday, June 19, 2023

Richard Dawes - Artist Photographer

 Another great post from Dail Whiting. Thanks again Dail.

Words and Photo Courtesy of Dail Whiting

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Beerhouses in Pizien Well

 We thank Dail Whiting for another contribution from her next book as follows.


Following on from my last article, 'The Pizien Well Name' I thought some of your readers might be interested in another extract from my next book relating to this fascinating part of the village. I am extremely grateful to Martin Cronk who kindly lent the wonderful photo's of his ancestors from his private family album. 

Click on the page to Enlarge the view 

Thanks again to Martin Cronk for the photos from his private family album 
and Dail Whiting for the article from her next book

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Pizien Well Name

Dail Whiting kindly sends an extract from her next book.

Thank you Dail and good luck with the book which we look forward to seeing.


Monday, March 06, 2023

Coach Outing from the Telegraph Public House 1952

Another Gem from Colin Brotherwood, lots of names and faces that I personally remember well:

Coach Outing from the Telegraph Public House 1952

This battered photo was in the possession of my Aunt Doris Brotherwood. She gave it to me for my family tree folder. It was folded up in about 3 places hence the crease marks on it. When my father Lionel was alive he named quite a few people. So I scanned it and filled some names in. 

I thought I’d share it as someone else might be able to fill in a few more names.


Sadly I have been asked to remove some people from the photograph which I have done and updated below.

Click the picture to enlarge it

Colin Brotherwood's Baptism Certificate - 3rd June 1962

Colin Brotherwood kindly sends us a copy of his Baptism Certificate from the 3rd June 1962, he would have been 7 years old in August.

Wedding Reception at Wateringbury Working Mens Club in 1954

Colin Brotherwood kindly sent us the below:

My Mother and Father ; Jean and Lionel Brotherwood got married at Wateringbury church on 6th November 1954.
Looks like they had their reception at Wateringbury Club. Here is a copy of the bill for the drinks. Just over £12. Amazing.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Phoenix Brewery 1976 - Courtesy of Kent Messenger - KentOnline


A photo from Kent Messenger - KentOnline Classic Pictures from the 1970's

All three names that were so familiar to me growing up in Wateringbury during the 1950/60's

Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Original Kings Head Hotel at The Cross Roads Wateringbury


The Original Kings Head Hotel

The corner of Tonbridge Road and Bow Road.

Also showing Amos Bakers.

The only recognisable building today is that on the far right which is now the Hair Dressers in Bow Road 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wateringbury Inn Sign Miniatures

Thanks once again to Dail Whiting for this publication on the Whitbread Inn Sign Miniatures relating to Wateringbury.

Courtesy of Dail Whiting

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

BLOSSOM TIME IN KENT - April and May 1963


I still call this lovely county The Garden of England though its not the garden it was when I was a kid in the 1950's and 60's. Wateringbury was surrounded by Plumb, Cherry, Pear, Apple orchards and Hop Gardens. 

Wateringbury was on the AA and RAC sign posted Blossom Route encouraging drivers to visit our countryside and see the Fruit Blossom that was everywhere.

This is a  Southern Railway and Maidstone and District day out that bought visitors from London into Kent to see our spectacular Fruit Blossom. The Train from London came to Tonbridge then a Maidstone and District Coach went through the countryside and through Wateringbury to Goudhurst. This timetable was for April and May 1963.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Letter of 1855


Amazing how in 1855 a letter would get to someone if simply addressed to a Town, 

a Village and the the persons name

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Jude and Co - Shive Hole Collar

Ruth and Terry kindly sent us a photo of what looks like a Shive Hole Collar from Jude and Co the Brewer of Wateringbury.

(Dale kindly advises that it’s spelt Shive and dated around 1872

from Jude & Co Brewery which was The Kent’s Brewery situated just below the South East corner of the Crossroads. Where Hanbury Close now stands) 

The Collar was used in a Beer Barrel where the Bung is fitted and the Tap then goes.

It was found in a field in Wateringbury.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Wateringbury War Memorial & the Old Village Hall



A Postcard of Wateringbury War Memorial and the Old Village Hall on the corner of Bow Road and Tonbridge Road.

Not sure of the age but it is a postcard posted with a 7p stamp.

Friday, March 04, 2022

Customers of The Phoenix Pub on Red Hill Wateringbury


Photograph courtesy of Dail Whiting from her private collection 
Dail writes: I have just read your blog and noticed an email from Maria, the granddaughter of Bill Sharpe, and thought this photo might be of interest as Bill is in the photograph.

The photo was taken outside the Phoenix pub on Red Hill.
The man standing in the doorway on the right is John Weeks. The teenage girl is Brenda Adams formerly Brenda Baker. Brenda's father might be the man on her right (looking at the photo) Freddy Baker. Sitting on the step on the far right is Bill Sharpe the local chimney sweep and other odd jobs man.
Additionally I believe the man behind Brenda is Cyril Hammond and the man next to Bill second from the right, front row is Freddy Mace.

Can we fill in some names ?
The Dog was called Nelly

Wateringbury School Photo from about 1943


 Photo Courtesy of Dail Whiting from her Private collection

Wateringbury School Photo from around 1943
with Headmaster Mr Aldridge next to Miss Nancy Dibble.
Back row, left to right.
? Juke - David Clark(e) - unknown - Stan Pearson - Brian Maytum - Ernie Hutchins - Raymond Cole - unknown - John Mannering - Unknown

Second from back row, left to right.
Peter Jukes - Alan Butler - ? Taylor - Lionel Brotherwood - ? Taylor - Harold Watson - Bill Hutchins - John Fisher - Mark Goodwin

Third from back row, left to right.
unknown - Rodney Watson - Unknown - John Smith - Head Teacher, Arthur Aldridge - 
Teacher, Nancy Dibble - Unknown - Barry Berwick - ? Dickson - Roy Hutchins

Front row, left to right.
 ? Martin - Reggie Dickson - Bruce Berwick - Dudley Martin - Colin Berwick - Jack Martin

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Unveiling Ceremony, War Memorial Wateringbury



Unveiling Ceremony of the War Memorial in its original position on the western corner of the Tonbridge Road / Bow Road at the Cross Roads.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The North Pole Inn

Thanks to Brad Waters from Australia who sent some family photos from around 1956 when his Grandfather Ian and Grandmother Vee Waters were landlord and landlady of The North Pole Inn.

The photos show his grandparents and locals in the bar and a great photo of a fancy dress ball held in the bar.

I thank Paul Skelton of 'Dover Kent Archives'  website for putting us in touch.
