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Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Mill Pond Area

The Mill Pond to me was always the pond at Upper Mill but looking at old postcards there was also a pond at the lower mill which I remember as a kid being very silted up and eventually being dug out into a stream. Though my Mum often recalls how her sister fell in the lower mill pond.

The picture below is of the farm track between the Lower and Upper Mill Ponds, when I was young it seemed to be very long but walking it today its a disappointment.
Not a lot has changed with it as the iron railings are still mostly there, the main difference being there were hop fields on one side and apples on the other.

Below is the Lower Mill Pond as it was, taken from the above farm track with the Brewery in the background. When the brewery was demolished the weather vane was removed and installed on the roof of the Kings Head. The house you can see used to be owned by the Walters Family and I understand was the original ticket office for the railway.

Below is the Upper Mill Pond and the Mill in the in the background. In the early 70's the Mill was owned by Mr & Mrs Benham who ran the Mill Pottery, they were pasionate about renovating the Mill at the time.

Below is the house next to the Mill, if you were looking at it from the position in the previous photo it would have been to the left hand side of the Mill.
Ray, who now lives in the cottage below writes:
We bought the place in December 2006 and are keen to learn all we can about the property - not much came with it by way of documentation, a great pity.

The cottage is mentioned in Michael J Fuller's book 'The Watermills of the East Malling and Wateringbury Streams with a nice pen and ink drawing and, reference is made to a photo taken in 1868/9 of the cottage with Alfred Boorman and his family (the then miller) stood outside but frustratingly not included to Fuller's book.... this is all the more annoying as the text goes on to state that the building is shown with leaded lights and without the current tile cladding. Long shot - but you wouldn't happen to know where this early photograph is? It appears Mr Fuller sought confirmation of the identity of Alfred Boorman from one of his descendants a Mr R. P. Ninnim.

We suspect Mill cottage to be a half timbered building and would love to see this allusive photo - and indeed to gain any other facts that may be available, knowing how old it is would be on top of that list.

If you are able to point the way or help our better understanding that would be greatly appreciated.

On the farm track below, again looking toward the Upper Mill Pond, originally there would have been some Hopper Huts just over the fence on the right.

Below is Upper Mill Pond as it is today.

1 comment:

P. Reynolds said...

An old entry, but this is 2023 now, I remember, as a child the cottage being renovated in the early fifties. I was given a Roman coin and Merchants token by one of the workmen, who dug it up next to the Twitten.