
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

This website is yours and you have made it the interest it is by sharing your memories with us all.

Please continue to send us photos and memories of Wateringbury for new generations to enjoy and see how the village once was.

Please send us your memories no matter how small. Either send them by the contact form or directly to me by email at john.gilham@mail.com


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wateringbury School around 1933

Wateringbury C of E School Photo of the girls class taken on May Day and dressed for the occasion around 1932/1933
My Mum, Teresa Gilham (Nee Morgan) is the farthest on the right of the bottom row. Farthest right on the third row from the bottom is Joan Clark (Nee Herbert) and Peggy Randal (Nee Cheesman) is eighth from the left in the bottom row. Back row 14th from left is Gladys Kirby and her sister Betty Kirby is 2nd row from front 12th from left.
Can you add any more names?

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