
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

This website is yours and you have made it the interest it is by sharing your memories with us all.

Please continue to send us photos and memories of Wateringbury for new generations to enjoy and see how the village once was.

Please send us your memories no matter how small. Either send them by the contact form or directly to me by email at john.gilham@mail.com


Monday, March 23, 2009

Wateringbury C of E School

A class group photo from circa 1973
Photo courtesy of John Groves
This photo comes from a Facebook entry by John Groves and is dated circa 1973. I think it has probably been through the washing machine or in Johns school trouser pocket but it is still great to see it. Notice how everything is much the same as in the earlier posted photo from 1963.
Back row 2nd from left is John Groves, 3rd from right is Myra Thomson. immediately to the right of the teacher is Carole Jackson and 2nd from right in the same row is Alison Smith.
Can you date it more accurately or add any names?


Glen Newick (nephew) said...

Bottom left Patricia Newick

Anonymous said...

Such lovely memories of a wonderful school, teachers were real characters.
Myra Thomson