
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Mill Cottage Wateringbury

Back in 2009 Ray left a message on the board  as follows:-

Just found your site - very interesting! We live in the Mill Cottage listed as 'Old Cottage Wateringbury' on the photograph included to your site - we seem to have lost a chimney down the years.....
We bought the place in December 2006 and are keen to learn all we can about the property - not much came with it by way of documentation, a great pity.

The cottage is mentioned in Michael J Fuller's book 'The Watermills of the East Malling and Wateringbury Streams with a nice pen and ink drawing and, reference is made to a photo taken in 1868/9 of the cottage with Alfred Boorman and his family (the then miller) stood outside but frustratingly not included to Fuller's book.... this is all the more annoying as the text goes on to state that the building is shown with leaded lights and without the current tile cladding. Long shot - but you wouldn't happen to know where this early photograph is? It appears Mr Fuller sought confirmation of the identity of Alfred Boorman from one of his descendants a Mr R. P. Ninnim.

We suspect Mill cottage to be a half timbered building and would love to see this allusive photo - and indeed to gain any other facts that may be available, knowing how old it is would be on top of that list.

If you are able to point the way or help our better understanding that would be greatly appreciated.

This was a postcard I published back in 2009 to which Ray was referring.

Now Rob has sent in this photo from 1873/4 with the following:-
Hi Ray
Your description exactly matches the photo. My mother (Louise - R P Ninnim's daughter) has done some family history research and has notes about who each of the individual people in the photo are

(left to right): Emma J Boorman (nee Woodgate, born Rainham, married Dec. 1854), the twins Ernest and Charles, but obviously I don’t know which is which, aged 3 in 1871.  Alfred Boorman, the Miller, Alfred J Boorman aged 13 in 1871 and Harry (listed on the census as Arthur, aged 9 in 1871). Missing from the family are Emma and Edith. Edith probably was not yet born, I’ve no idea where Emma is, she was 11 in 1871, so is probably away in service, on the index to 1871 she is listed as Emma F, but looking at the original sheet I think she is Emma J like her Mum. 

All things considered I think the photo is about 1873/4.
Photograph Courtesy of Rob Dean 
Ray has kindly sent in a photo of the cottage as it is today (Jan 2012) taken from much the same position.

Photograph Courtesy of Ray Cattle
This is a photo of the cottage taken during the floods of 1968.

Photograph Courtesy of Rob Dean 

Lastly Ray enjoys the view of the Mill Pond from the cottage and the Duck House he made for it a couple of years ago has proved very successful and a great favorite with the moorhens particularly.
Great timing with the ice circles. A magical moment.

Photograph Courtesy of Ray Cattle

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