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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mill Lane

 Ray kindly sent in the following two photos and these words:-

I was aware that there was a line of garages where 70s houses numbers 27 and 29 Mill Lane now stand - the attachment shows three quite amazing vehicles and 1 proud employee.  The next picture is of our property Mill Cottage which is next in line in Mill Lane and would have been at one time been numbers 29 and 31 - now just 31.  From recent expert assessment Mill Cottage dates from the 16th Century with 17th Century additions.

The second photo is of the area now occupied by numbers 25 and 27.  The picture shows a line of garages (converted from stables) with the splendid vehicles they once housed.  Through the services of The Automobile magazine I am able to positively identify the first vehicle it is a chain driven Chelmsford steamer, made by Thomas Clarkson who was better-known for steam buses, of which he had 173 running in London alone before WW1.  The model shown in the picture is of the station bus variety with, it is believed side facing rear seats and dates from about 1902.  The source of the identification is a World famous authority in vintage motoring matters Nick Georgano. 

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