
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014


 Paul Skelton kindly remembers us when researching for his website www.Dover-Kent.com as follows:-

Thought you might be interested in the latest piece of research I have picked up regarding Wateringbury.
The name Leney as you may know is quite prominent in Dover with their brewery, and also Wateringbury of course.
I don’t know for a fact that these are related to the main family, of Frederick or Alfred but the account may be of interest to you.

From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 
Saturday 14 January, 1860. Price 1d.

Chas Leney, of Wateringbury, was indicted for having assaulted his sister-in-law, Ann Leney, at Wateringbury, on the 5th September last. The bill was found by the grand Jury at the last sessions.
Mr. Addison said he was instructed for the prosecution in the case, but he was happy to say the court would not be troubled with it, as the parties, being relatives, had very wisely resolved to shake hands, and be friends again.
Mr. Hawkins, Q.C., (especially retained, and with whom was Mr. Bushell) said he could only rejoice that the matter should thus have terminated, and he trusted the reconciliation would be a permanent one.
A verdict of acquittal was then recorded, and the proceedings terminated.

Not sure where I’m going to put this on my web site www.Dover-Kent.Com yet, but sending it to you should you wish to publish as well.


Paul Skelton


Dail kindly added the following:-

With reference to Paul Skelton’s post regarding  Charles Leney, and Ann Leney

Very briefly, Charles Leney was the first of two brothers who ran the Phoenix Brewery in Wateringbury. His sister-in-law Ann was the wife of Frederick Leney ,  Charles’ younger brother. Frederick Leney  remained in Wateringbury for the rest of his life. However, Charles eventually left the village in 1861, about the time his youngest son Alfred purchased a brewery in Dolphin Lane Dover, which also became known as the Phoenix.

A good account of  both the Leney’s family history,  and  Wateringbury’s Phoenix brewery  can be found in Dail's Book at the link below.


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