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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Corner Shop History

 Can we help Peter with his request below?

I'm trying to find information about the property situated on the corner of The Street and Red Hill, Wateringbury.  My great-grandmother, Rachel Taylor, nee Boorman, together with two of her sons, John and William, are shown on the 1891 Census as living there and operating a grocery and drapery business at the premises.   In the 1901 Census Rachel is living in Tonbridge and William is boarding in Burham.   John had died in 1897.

    I am attaching a copy of the  Particulars of Sale of "An important block of freehold shops and dwelling houses" which were auctioned by Messrs. Wm. Day & Sons in conjunction with  Messrs. Cloke & Sons on 10th October 1946.   This was found amongst my grandfather's papers - he was Ebenezer Taylor, another of Rachel's sons.   He must have had some connection with the property and I remember my father having to check that the water was turned off in the empty property.

    I should be grateful for any information.

Peter Taylor

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