
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

This website is yours and you have made it the interest it is by sharing your memories with us all.

Please continue to send us photos and memories of Wateringbury for new generations to enjoy and see how the village once was.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Shop on Tonbridge Road Wateringbury - Mid 1930's

Janice Leaney kindly sends the following photo of her Grandmothers shop. 
It stood on the Tonbridge Road next to the old Kings Head Hotel. 
This photograph was taken in the mid 1930's.
A lovely photo and a piece of Wateringbury History.

"Janice writes: here is a pic of my grandmothers shop with my mother Ivy Seager and her sister Dorothy in front circa mid 1930's. This shop faced the Tonbridge Rd. and would have been side on to the back of the old Wateringbury Hotel. Note large stone in right hand corner - if you look at your pic #49 you will see the same stone I think it was a mile marker. Jan  Leaney"

This Shop can also be seen in the following two photographs showing its position relative to the Cross Roads and Old Kings Head Hotel.
.. Above the shop is behind the cart and full photo below
Again, above is the shop a little later and this time the stone Janice refers to is clearly visible. Below the full photo when cars had arrived but traffic lights had not.

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