
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

This website is yours and you have made it the interest it is by sharing your memories with us all.

Please continue to send us photos and memories of Wateringbury for new generations to enjoy and see how the village once was.

Please send us your memories no matter how small. Either send them by the contact form or directly to me by email at john.gilham@mail.com


Monday, March 16, 2015

Reader AE Stephens writes

We received a short email from what seems to be from Australia which reads as follows:-

I lived in Wateringbury Station House from 1956-1957 'My father Leslie Mayes was Station Master.  Dad had Teston Halt  and either East or West Farleigh under his control also. Ken Philpott was one of the two porters. I would be happy to see more history of the area. AE Stephens (Mayes)

AE Stephens( Nee Mayes) 

Additional mail from Anne:-

Thank you for your prompt reply to my email. I only came across your site
yesterday and I am not overly cluey with computers so this will be trial and
error. I now live in Adelaide South Australia (since 1960) My brother Malcolm
went to Wateringbury primary school I attended Maidstone Technical Girls
high School. Because of the position of the station we were more involved in
St Mary the Virgin Church Nettlestead where I was in the choir and other
activities. Our Rector was Reverend Barton There was a long yard up to the
actual station with a bank and huge blackberry hedge between the yard and
the brewery. ( Where the school is now.) Our house was part of the actual
station buildings with our lounge window below the level of the platform. We
could only see the passengers feet. The rest of the house was further along
over the booking office and porters room. My father had an office near the
new foot bridge. We were very lucky because the railway embankment protected
us when the river flooded. One other thing I remember was the numbers of the
Buses I caught. The number 7 ran through Wateringbury and the Number33 ran
down past the station.
About 10 years ago my older brother obtained a DVD from the cab of an
electric train from Maidstone West to Paddock Wood along the former steam
line and then through Tonbridge to London Bridge. I see that the old Station
House still stands but nothing else is the same. Sadly just after we left a
young boy was killed crossing the line after getting off the train. I
believe his name was Jones and his Father was Lay Reader at St Mary's
Lastly for now I remember when a beer tanker over turned just up the hill at
Teston. I was on the bus coming home from school and we were held up
briefly. All of the kids on the buses were joking about drunken fish in the
river because the beer drained down the hill. Will try and send some
memories later. Many thanks Anne Stephens.
P.S. We were in Wateringbury   from 1956-57 to May 1960 ( not clear last


John Gilham said...

Dear Anne,
I knew your brother Malcolm when I was at Wateringbury Primary School between 1954-59.

Best wishes,

Nicholas Bond.

Margaret Wood said...

Hello, I hope I can post this! The boy who was killed in that dreadful accident at Wateringbury station was Kim Hubbard. He was no direct relation to my father David Jones who was lay reader at Nettlestead church.

John Gilham said...

Thanks Margaret for your input.