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Monday, August 29, 2016

Email from Alan Jude

We  received the following email from Alan Jude and would be interested to pass back anything to Alan that you our readers feel relevant via the website.
Please comment below or send your notes via email.

 I’ve been looking into my family history and find that the brewery was founded by my great great grandfather (I think there are the right number of greats there!) John Beal Jude in about 1840 (ref. Brief History of Jude Hanbury and Co Ltd).

My uncle went to Whitbreads Head Office once, many years ago, and there amongst the brass plaques of businesses owned by them was Jude Hanbury and Co. I don’t know anything about Mr. Hanbury except the old story that’s been passed down the family, whether true or not I don’t know, that My great great grandfather and Mr Hanbury had an agreement that whoever died first, the other would inherit the business. Mr. Hanbury, so the story goes, liked his drink and died quite early on. As I say, this story has been passed down many generations and is probably a yarn!

I hope this is of interest and any further information I can help you with please let me know and I would be very interested to hear of anything you or your bloggers know.

I would be interested to know if any of the old brewery remains but I doubt it but hope to come and have a look round Wateringbury very soon.

Best regards

Alan Jude.

Alan adds the following notes: 

Bow Road, Wateringbury showing Jude Hanbury & Co brewery, 1915.

Dane John Brewery, Canterbury, Kent

History:  The business was established at Kent Brewery, Wateringbury, Kent, in about 1840 by J B Jude and by 1878 was trading as Jude, Hanbury & Co, Jude, Hanbury & Co Ltd. was registered in 1919 as a limited liability company to acquire the business. The company acquired Ash’s East Kent Brewery Co Ltd, Dane John Brewery, Canterbury, Kent in 1923 and transferred its brewing from Wateringbury to Canterbury during 1924. It was taken over, along with about 200 licensed houses,
by Whitbread & Co Ltd, London, in 1929 and ceased to brew in 1933. The company went into liquidation in 1961.    
(From Google Books)    

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