
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 48,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

This website is yours and you have made it the interest it is by sharing your memories with us all.

Please continue to send us photos and memories of Wateringbury for new generations to enjoy and see how the village once was.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2017


"Keith Harden, a nephew of the deceased, is sad to pass the news that Betty Taylor (nee Kirby) passed away earlier this month.  Betty was born in The Fir Tree public house in Canon Lane, Wateringbury, the younger daughter of Edward and Gladys Kirby, in April 1925. Gladys Kirby was formerly of the Martin family, a very well known family in the area.   Although Betty left Wateringbury on marriage just after the end of World War II, she never forgot her roots and maintained written contact with ex-school friends and neighbours until the day she died; there are probably people still living in the area who knew her or knew of her.  Her memory was as prodigious as her letter writing and her notes of her early life are probably worthy of an article in themselves at sometime in the future.  Her last year in Hull was particularly sad because her two sons, Michael and John, predeceased their mother and her niece Wendy, daughter of older half-sister Joan, also died.  She is survived by her daughter Patricia."


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