
Our first post was 8th November 2008 since when we have had 42,000 different visitors from 107 countries.

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Beerhouses in Pizien Well

 We thank Dail Whiting for another contribution from her next book as follows.


Following on from my last article, 'The Pizien Well Name' I thought some of your readers might be interested in another extract from my next book relating to this fascinating part of the village. I am extremely grateful to Martin Cronk who kindly lent the wonderful photo's of his ancestors from his private family album. 

Click on the page to Enlarge the view 

Thanks again to Martin Cronk for the photos from his private family album 
and Dail Whiting for the article from her next book

1 comment:

Michael Shepherd said...

Enjoyed reading about Pizien Well because i was born in the cottages opposite what was The Good Intent Pub in April 1950.I still visit there as my brother still lives in Pizien Well.Thank you for posting.